The buildings construction was ordered by the emigrant  D. Juan Fernández Bao to the architect D. Juan Miguel de la Guardia at the end of 1890 but it was his son in law, D. Indalecio Corujedo, a member of the Courts of Asturias at the beginning of the 20th century, whom the house was finally named after.  
The building is architecturally revered with its French influence framed onto an eclectic style. The roof is formed of slate in a style similar to mansard roofs, very usual in the French architecture of the 18th century.
It has a rectangular floor plan with a corner chamfer and two floors. Two of the interior parts open on the ground floor with levelled and lintelled balconies. On the top floor cantilevered balconies are completed with semi-circular arches and dust guards. In the area of the chamfer there is a bay window on the second floor. The back façade has a beautiful gallery with two floors supported by right sided beams.
The house has a small garden at the front, enclosed by an iron fence over a masonry skirting and is the location of a small house for the chauffeur.