Capilla de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores

Adress: Plaza de los Dolores, Grau/Grado

This chapel was ordered to be built by the third Marquis of Valdecarzana in 1713 with its construction ending in 1717 and was designed as an ecclesiastic complement to the nearby Palace of Miranda -Valdecarzana. This Palace Chapel is one of the most pronounced with Baroque styling in Asturias. The construction is attributed to the architect Francisco de la Riva Ladrón de Guevara.

The chapel is built using blocks of grey and pink limestone perfectly assembled to give a grand chromatic harmony and beauty to the building. Extending outward from the east facing facade stands a semicircular arch, flanked by boxed pilasters decorated with highlighted rhombus. Above the arch, a split pediment hosting a scallop shell niche.

The chapel has a rectangular floor with a single nave divided into three sections. The front section is the higher part and it is covered with a pendentive dome. The other two sections are designed using half barrel vaults with lunette domes.
The interior is rich in ornamental coffering and moulded cornices particularly the elegant and very plush sacristy.